BURNING X-BOX & GAMECUBE GAMES USEING CDRWIN ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Insert your original in your CD-ROM. 2) Open CDRWin (or any other image extractor) to make an iso image of the game on your hard disc. Click on 'Extract Disc/Tracks/Sectors' 3) Here are the settings which work for me (!): Disc Image/Cue sheet File-Format: Automatic Reading-Options: RAW, CD+G, CD-TEXT and MCN/USRC all Unchecked Error Recovery: Ignore Jitter Correction: Auto Subcode Analyses: Fixed Data-Speed: MAX Read Retry Count: 10 Audio Speed: MAX Subcode Threshold: 900 There are a lot of reports, that Raw reading also works, but I had problems with it enabled. 4) Click on 'Start' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECORDING TO A DISC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Install Fireburner 2) Double click on the Cue File For The Game 3) Right Click And select burn To CD That?s all there is record DAO, and you can try to burn it fast at 2X Using PNY Black Diamond CDR'
Sharing is Caring, I blog about WebSec, New Pentest Trick, and sometime Proof of concepts.
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