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Testing Host Header Injection.

What is Host Header Injection:

In many cases, developers are trusting the HTTP Host header value and using it to generate links, import scripts and even generate password resets links with its value. This is a very bad idea, because the HTTP Host header can be controlled by an attacker. This can be exploited using web-cache poisoning and by abusing alternative channels like password reset emails.

How to Test Vulnerability:

-Open Firefox
-Open Burpsuite
-Start Intercepter.
-Visite The Website/WebServer You Want to Test
-Intercept The Http Request
-Search For Header "Host"
                It should be like Host:
-Exactly Below The "Host" Header
-Type X-Forwaded-Host:


If in The response The header [-Type X-Forwaded-Host:] has been added and the Browser has be redricted to The server is vulnerable to header Injection


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