What is Email Header Manipulation Vulnerability ?
Email Header Manipulation Vulnerability is a bug in which attacker can inject new and Desired header to The SMPT Conversation:
Let's Take an Example:
Consider the form which allows users to send feedback
about the application
Here, users can specify a From address and the contents of the message. The
application passes this input to the PHP mail() command, which constructs
the e-mail and performs the necessary SMTP conversation with its confi gured
mail server. The mail generated is as follows:
To: admin@wahh-app.com
From: marcus@wahh-mail.com
Subject: Site problem
Confirm Order page doesn’t load
The PHP mail() command uses an additional_headers parameter to set the
message’s From address. This parameter is also used to specify other headers,
including Cc and Bcc, by separating each required header with a newline character.
Hence, an attacker can cause the message to be sent to arbitrary recipients
by injecting one of these headers into the From fi eld, as illustrated in Figure 10-7.
This causes the mail() command to generate the following message:
To: admin@wahh-app.com
From: marcus@wahh-mail.com
Bcc: all@wahh-othercompany.com
Subject: Site problem
Confirm Order page doesn’t load
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