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How to Install GoBuster Tool on Linux

Well Gobuster is an amazing tools which can be used both for directory bruteforcing as well as for Dns bruteforcing.

Here is how to install it.

1-Download Go from  Here

2-Change To Download Diretory

3-Open Terminal and Execute These Commands

git clone

tar -C /usr/local -xvzf go1.10.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz

4-Now Open terminal and Type
leafpad .basrc

6- Paste "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin"

and save the file

7- Now cd to /root/Downloads

8-Open Terminal and type

go run main.go  -h

to see the help options on screen

Thanks !


  1. Hi. Thanks for the article. I just noticed a couple small issues with it: you're missing a step 5, and in step 4, you forgot the "h" in "bashrc"
    Also, I get this error:

    stat main.go: no such file or directory

    but go -h works. Thanks again!

  2. The easy way:
    sudo apt-get install gobuster

    1. thanks. 🙏 thats much better following the above steps for installing gobuster

    2. When i run sudo apt-get install gobuster i get the following error:
      Reading package lists... Done
      Building dependency tree
      Reading state information... Done
      E: Unable to locate package gobuster

      Any ideas? I am running the sudo command from home (the old root in Kali). I am using Ubuntu.

    3. try this first: sudo apt-get update

    4. This helped me :)

    5. that gives you the v2 instad of the v3

  3. Thanks for the guide! One typo above... s/basrc/bashrc/


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