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How to Install go and Hacking tools written in go

First of all you have to to install golang package on your kali machine before installing any of the tools written in go.

Installing golang

$apt-get  update
$apt-get upgrade
$apt-get install golang

After this go will be downloaded and installed on your System. Now you have to expose the path to the PATH environment variable so that we can find the installed binaries on that path. which is /root/go/bin . Any tool which you will install go will keep his binary in this folder

Now we have to export this path to Path Variable for that go to terminal and type

Editing .bashrc for exporting the path

$leafpad .bashrc

Now Go to #some more ls aliases line
and add:
export PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin/
to the new line and after that you have successfully exported the path to $PATH varible

Now lets suppose you want to install any tool like

subfinder              [ Subdomain Enumeration tool]
gobuster               [ DNS/DIR burteforcer]
meg                      [ CLI http client ]

Find tools from google

So go to Google and seach any of the tools and you will find these tools on github. Copy the link and remove the https:// part from the link. Go to terminal and type:

installing tool with go from github

$go get

Wait for few minutes and After that go to terminal and type

Running gobuster

root@imran:~# gobuster
* WordList (-w): Must be specified (use `-w -` for stdin)
* Url/Domain (-u): Must be specified

and gobuster has successfully installed on your system

Thank you.


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