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I am not able to create new projects on Netbeans


You are not able to create new projects on netbeans


Your are running unsupported version of JDK on your system


We need to remove the unsupported version and install the supported version for netbeans

Supported version and unsupported version

JDK 8.0           Supported
JDK 9.0           Unsupported
JDK 10.0         Unsupported

How to check which version i am running ?

$javac -version

if you are running version  8.0 please go to and continue searching your problem

It too much ! tell me the solution

-Download JDK version 8.0 Here

Execute These Commands

$cd /usr/lib/jvm/default-java
$rm * -r
$sudo tar -xvzf ~/Downloads/jdk-8u181-linux-x64.tar.gz

Now we have successfully downloaded, Extracted and places the JDK 8.0 on place now we have to add the location to the environment path so that we can execute it directly from any location

For that execute these commands
$leaf .bashrc

>add this line to line 91

export PATH="$PATH:/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin"

save the file and exit

open the terminal and create an new project  ! and it should work fine


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